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Helpful Insights…
In addition to great guests and thoughtful questions!

Great conversation
Some interviewers just know how to drive a conversation, and Avetis does that naturally. I really enjoyed appearing on his show, and, hopefully, there are some good nuggets in there for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Great Show!!
Avetis has a natural way of tackling all aspects of leadership and his podcast is a reflection of that. He invites people from all industries to shed light on the topics impacting entrepreneurs and tech executives across the globe.

Great conversations
Avetis asks insightful questions and talks through an entrepreneur’s journey, helping to understand what made them what they are and the pitfalls along the way.

Insightful podcast
Avetis is a great host and has created an insightful podcast! He brings energy and a natural curiosity to his show.

Interesting and insightful
This new Tech Leaders Playbook podcast covers interesting topics in Business, Management, and Leadership with accomplished and insightful guests to share their experiences and knowledge. Avetis has a wealth of expertise and does a great job engaging in these conversations with his guests and bringing up relevant topics for discussion. A great listen. Can’t wait to catch more episodes and listen to his future topics and guests.

Interesting, quick paced, relevant
I’m enjoying this podcast. I like that the episodes are relevant and based on current interesting topics that are affecting businesses in real time. Avetis is real, and accessible. He is the “every man” CEO who enjoys having conversations with everyone.

Great Insights, Highly Valuable
Avetis brings thoughtful insights into how to scale a tech business while caring for people along the way. His relationship centered approach is admirable and his strategies should be applied to tech entrepreneurs across the board. This is a great podcast!