Aug. 23, 2023

The Art of Productive Conflict: Transforming Tech Teams with Douglas Squirrell

The Art of Productive Conflict: Transforming Tech Teams with Douglas Squirrell

Welcome to another episode of The Tech Leader's Playbook. This week, host Avetis Antaplyan sits down with Douglas Squirrel, a technology virtuoso with 40 years of coding experience and 20 years of leading software teams. Douglas's expertise lies in transforming technology organizations through the power of conversations and productive conflict. He is also the co-author of the book "Agile Conversations" and has worked with over 150 organizations to supercharge their performance.

  • Douglas's transition from coder to leader and the key moments in his expansive career.
  • How conversations can be the game-changer in enhancing productivity within tech teams.
  • The concept of "productive conflict" and how it impacts team dynamics.
  • Crucial mistakes Douglas made as a young CTO and how he overcame them through Action Science techniques.
  • Making technology a profit center and not just a cost center.
  • Real-life success stories from Douglas's coaching sessions with executives across industries.
  • The Squirrel Squadron, a vibrant community promoting better conversations.
  • Key takeaways from his book "Agile Conversations."
  • "Conversations are not just about exchanging information; they are the cornerstone of any successful team."
  • "Action Science techniques helped me transition from a CTO who made all the mistakes to one who aligned closely with business goals."

You can reach out to Douglas on his LinkedIn or through his website.

Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and review the podcast. Thank you for tuning in! Next week, we continue to bring you insights from leaders who are shaping the world of technology.

SEO Keywords: Technology Leadership, Conversations in Tech, Productive Conflict, Agile Conversations, CTO, Douglas Squirrel, Team Productivity, Coding, Software Teams, Action Science, Squirrel Squadron, Tech Leader's Playbook

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